How can I print something?


You can print in black-and-white or color from all Library and Information Commons computers on Bentonville/Rogers and Washington County locations.

Classroom computers and laptops are also connected to the Library's printing system.


Find us in Burns Hall 1304 (Library) and Burns Hall 1217 (Information Commons).

Several classrooms are also equipped with printers.

Washington County

Printer/copiers are located in room 111 and in the 2nd floor hallway outside room 216.


The printing cost is $.05 per black-and-white page and $.50 per color page. 

A printing account balance of $5.00 is given on a per-semester basis to each student. After this initial amount has been exhausted, you can make payments in cash or check at the Library's Circulation Desk to extend your printing balance, or visit into from any campus computer to add value online. When prompted for a username and password, enter the same login information you use to access My NWACC Connection. You may also check your account balance, at

Releasing Print Jobs

Once you submit your print job, you will need to log onto the printer with your myNWACC/Canvas username and password to release your print. 

Classroom printers do not require this step. It will just print out.


  • Last Updated Aug 11, 2022
  • Views 547
  • Answered By Shawna

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