How do I access library databases from off-campus

How do I access library databases, journal articles, ebooks, and streaming media from off-campus?


The NWACC Library uses OpenAthens for remote access to our databases and other electronic resources. When you choose a database from the A-Z list, or click on a permalink to a specific article or ebook, it should direct you to an NWACC sign-in page.

Enter your NWACC username (everything to the left of the @ in your email address) and your NWACC password. This will provide you access to all of our databases as long as your browser is open. In other words, once you have logged in, you can switch from one database to another without having to log into OpenAthens again for up to 8 hours.

You can also access OpenAthens directly by going to and searching "Northwest Arkansas Community College" (not nwacc), and then logging in with your NWACC username and password. All of our digital subscriptions are accessible once you have logged in.

  • Last Updated Jan 03, 2023
  • Views 1474
  • Answered By NWACC Library

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